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White Flower
  • Writer's pictureNaomi Phillips

Things We've All Done to Keep Busy During Lockdown

I have been pretty naff with posting since the country went into lockdown. This most definitely wasn't to do with a lack of free time, instead a lack on inspiration. Everyone is dealing with the current crisis in different ways, I know i've spent the past few weeks just adjusting. If i'm being completely honest, I have also just been faffing about doing pretty pointless stuff, from baking to binge watching.

Below I have compiled a list of my most stereotypical lockdown habits, let me know how many you've done too!

Baked Banana Bread

Homemade Banana Bread

With a little help from my friend Mary Berry, I baked my first ever banana bread. I swapped out butter for sunflower oil (the internet said that was fine) and it actually turned out really well. I guess i'm a domestic goddess in the making... Well no one has thrown up yet anyway.

Downloaded Disney Plus

Camp Rock Disney Plus

Lock down or not, I would have been on the Disney Plus hype. In less than a month I have successfully completed my watchlist, including classics like Camp Rock and of course Camp Rock 2 Final Jam. I'm low key still moody Frozen 2 isn't available yet but what can you do.

Partaken in a Zoom pub quiz

The most social I have been during lockdown has most definitely been my Friday virtual quizzes. From what i've seen the pub quiz has only gained in popularity since the closure of the real thing. Any excuse to open a bottle of wine can't hurt either

Got involved in every Instagram challenge ever

Instagram quizzes

I can't resist an Instagram challenge, whether it be a life in Gifs (as shown above) or an edited pic of Bill Clinton with my four favourite albums. Since lockdown, more and more of these challenges have surfaced and it's kind of difficult to ignore a tag when it pops up. That being said, I have yet to run a 5k... Need to get around to that one.

Ordered loungewear online

Misspap order confirmation

As Rebecca Bloomwood said in Confessions of a Shopaholic "A man will never love you or treat you as well as a store" . For those of us with a mild shopping addiction, online is the next best thing. I have definitely spent at least 8 hours of my time scrolling through pictures of loungewear and adding to my basket, usually without any intention of checking out. With the odd exception... Hence the screenshot above.

Started doing a daily workout

Exercise 7 minute workout

Quarantine has essentially made me a fitness guru... Provided a daily 7 minute workout in my pyjamas deems me worthy of that title. I'm still waiting for my abs to appear. I have seen a lot of people opting to follow the Joe Wicks's morning routine, respect to all of you for being up that early.

Rewatching old Netflix series

So there are plenty of new Netflix shows that i've seen everyone raving about, like Tiger King aka that b***h Carol Baskin. I love the hype of a new Netflix show but must admit i've spent most of my time rewatching Gossip Girl. There's a sense of comfort in watching really long old TV series, especially when you have time to kill.

Cut my own hair

Haircut disaster

Is it worth it? Should I just wait? The questions we've all asked ourselves before picking up those scissors and considering biting the bullet. I usually cut my own fringe so I have to say i'm used to a wonky look, just thankful no one has so to see the results just yet.

Virtual date nights

For those of us that don't get to quarantine alongside our better halves, virtual date nights are the new trip to the cinema. All I have to say is praise the lord for advancing technology. If you're lucky enough to be with your partner at this time, i'm sure big nights in are what's keeping you sane.

Gone to the supermarket and moaned about it

lockdown fashion

Going to the supermarket once a week kind of counts as a pastime I guess? Inevitably followed by a recap when you get home, judging those shoppers that didn't social distance correctly. This is the new soap opera we all need in our lives, with the lack of any new reality TV (Excluding Gemma Collins: Diva on Lockdown).

Side note - Great show.

Downloaded and got addicted to TikTok

Two months ago we judged those 15 year olds dancing on TikTok, now it seems we're all addicted. What started as a joke quickly became two hours of consistent scrolling and 30 failed dancing attempts saved in a hidden file.

Done a full face of makeup to sit downstairs

bad makeup

Deep down I know it's pointless but I guess doing a full face of makeup can make you feel better? Even if it's only for project runway in your living room. I must admit that I don't feel quite like myself without my red lipstick.

Thank you for reading...

I hope you're all using your time as wisely as I am, let me know in the comments if you can relate to any of the above!

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